Support of RES-H infrastructure

Updated: 18.12.2018

Author: Tim Sternkopf

The support of RES-H infrastructure in Austria is mainly based on the Heating and Cooling Network Expansion Act (WKLG), which provides a framework for increasing the district heating (and cooling) infrastructure in the country. According to this act, there are investment incentives for the integration of renewable energy sources in order to reinforce the small-scale regional heat supply in rural areas as well as the expansion of district heating in urban centers. (§ 1 para. 1 no 6 and 7 WKLG)

Support may be granted if the following criteria are met: 

  • The implementation of the investment was initiated after 1 January 2008 (§ 2 para. 1 WKLG) 
  • The financial feasibility of the district heating project is secured (§ 4 para. 1 WKLG) 
  • The project will supply district heating or cooling for at least one final consumer (§ 4 para. 2 no. 1 WKLG) 
  • The heat generation plants meet the criteria for energy-efficient district heating plants or use waste heat (§ 4 para. 2 no. 3 WKLG)


  • The funding comes through a payment in form of a one-time capital grant and is usually carried out after completion of the funded project. (§ 5 para. 1 WKLG) 
  • The promotion shall not exceed 35 % in terms of total investment costs and 50 % of the environment related additional charges. (§ 5 para. 2 WKLG) 
  • The amount of support shall not exceed € 200,000 per megawatt. (§ 6 para. 2 WKLG) 
  • Annually, 60 million euro are provided for funding from federal funds. If the budget is not exhausted within a calendar year, these means shall be applied for funding in the following year (§ 7 WKLG).


  • Application: Complete applications are to be submitted to the BMWFJ 
  • Examination through AWISTA: Integrity control, legal analysis, economic and technical testing, development of funding proposal 
  • Decision-making: Recommendation by advisory council and decision by BMWFJ 
  • Processing by AWISTA: Final funding agreement, review of final accounts, control of the use of funds, payment of subsidies

Competent authority

The Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWfW) - now: Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) appointed the company AWISTA GmbH as settlement agency for the execution and disbursement of the grants according to the WKLG.

Further information


Further information

Basic information on legal sources