
Updated: 05.02.2019

Author: Tim Sternkopf

The public utility is obliged to purchase electricity from renewable energy producers. For small and medium-sized companies as well as private households, a net-metering scheme for solar and wind installations <500 kW is in place (Art. 15 Renewable Energy Law).

Eligible technologies

Small and medium-sized companies as well as private households can install up to 500 kW of solar or wind capacity under a net-metering scheme. The net balance is calculated on a monthly basis and excess electricity remunerated according to prices approved by ERE Art. 15, Renewable Energy Law, ERE Prices Q1 2017).

Wind energy

Installations up to 500 kW are eligible.

Solar energy

Installations up to 500 kW are eligible.


The net balance of produced and consumed electricity is metered on a monthly basis (Art. 15, § 3, Renewable Energy Law). The metered excess electricity is sold to the universal service provider and remunerated according to the universal service price defined by ERE, which depends on the voltage level (Art. 15, § 3 Renewable Energy Law, ERE Prices Q1 2017).


Small and medium-size companies; Private households

Distribution of costs

Plant operator

The plant operator has to bear the costs for the installation of the metering system (Art. 15, § 2 Renewable Energy Law).


Further information