Finland: Overall Summary
In Finland the tender based premium scheme is a support scheme to promote cost effective development of renewable energy in Finland. The scheme is technology neutral for producers of electricity from wind, solar, biogas, biomass wood fuels and wave power. The tenders up for offer are 1.4 TWh annually. The Energy Authority has opened the first rounds of the tender’s application starting on the 15th of November and ending on the 31st of December 2018. The premium tariff support scheme is in the process of being phased out and replaced by the tender based premium scheme in the time 2018-2020.
Additionally, investments in RES are supported through state subsidies. The main support mechanism for heat produced from RES is a “heat bonus” allocated to CHP plants working on biogas and wood fuel. In transport, the main incentive for renewable energy use is a quota system.
The tariff scheme for biogas and biomass derived from wood is to be rolled back, the deadline for applications is the 31 of December 2018.
Access to the grid by electricity produced from renewable energy sources follows the principle of non-discrimination and electricity produced from RES is not given priority. The connection of a heat generation plant to the grid is market oriented and priority is not granted to heat produced from RES. In addition to the methods listed, there are a number of policies in place aiming to promote the development, installations and use of RES installations.
The main support scheme for RES-T is a quota system and in addition, tax regulation. The quota system regulates the companies selling fuel by setting a quota for the total amounts of renewable petrol and diesel must be sold on an annual basis. Furthermore, tax regulations are set on fuels based on carbon dioxide emissions, reduced emissions reduce the tax.