Connection to the grid

Updated: 24.01.2019

Author: Anna Pobłocka-Dirakis

Electricity distribution and transmission system operators shall not deny access to their grids provided that the applicant meets the technical requirements.  The both parties must sign a connection contract. Electricity from renewable sources is not granted priority connection. 


Process flow

Electricity distribution and transmission system operators shall not deny access to their grids provided that the applicant meets the technical requirements (4.1.2. NERC Decree No. 310/2013 and Section III, Art. 1.7. NERC Decree No. 309/2013). The accession service is provided on the basis of the accession agreement (Art. 4.1.2. NERC Decree No. 310/2013 and Section III, Art. 6.1. NERC Decree No. 309/2013).

The grid connection rules differentiate between a standard connection and a non-standard connection. A standard connection is a connection of a power plant to the distribution system at a distance not exceeding 300 meters in a straight line from the power supply to the point of attachment (Art. 1, No. 88 Act on Market of Electric Energy). And a non-standard connection is a connection of a power plant to a grid, where the voltage level at the point of connection and the power supply point do not coincide, and / or if the numerical values for the standard connection are exceeded (Art. 2.1 NERC Decree No. 310/2013). 

Detailed information on technical requirements for the connection to the distribution grid are listed in Section IV Art. 4.2.-4.3. of NERC Decree No. 310/2013 and for the connection to the transmission grid in Section III, Subsection 1 NERC Decree No. 309/2013.

The procedure for the connection to the distribution grid are listed in Section IV, Subsection 6 of NERC Decree No. 310/2013 and for the connection to the transmission grid in Section III, Subsection 6 NERC Decree No. 309/2013.

Priority to renewable energy

  • Priority to renewable energy
  • Non-discrimination

Electricity from renewable sources is not granted priority connection.

Distribution of costs

Plant operator

The plant operator bears the costs for grid connection. The amount of the fee for a standard and non-standard connection to the electricity grid is specified in accession agreement (Art. 4.2.3. NERC Decree No. 310/2013 and Section III, Art. 6.6.1. NERC Decree No. 309/2013).


Further information