Grid issues in Slovenia


Updated: 13.02.2019

Author: Saša Rajković

Summary of grid issues

Connection to the grid

The operators of renewable energy plants need to file a request for a connection to the power grid along with a valid energy permit, a connection consent and a valid declaration for a production facility. RES power plants are given priority when applying for grid connection. Power plants with an energy output of more than 10 MW are subject to specific regulations.

Use of the grid

The grid operators are obliged to import and transmit all electricity from renewable sources generated by RES power plants. Specific regulations apply to power plants with an energy output of more than 10 MW.

Grid development

The obligation to connect renewable energy plants to the grid may give rise to a claim for the development of the grid. The costs for grid development are borne by the grid operator. 

Statutory provisions

  • EZ-1 (Energetski zakon - Uradni list RS, št. 17/2014 - Energy Act)
  • Decree on Access to the Grid (Uredba o splošnih pogojih za dobavo in odjem električne energije - Uradni list RS, št. 117/2002)
  • Conditions for Access to the Grid (Splošni pogoji za dobavo in odjem električne energije iz distribucijskega omrežja električne energije - Uradni list RS, št. 126/2007 – General Conditions for the Supply and Consumption of Electricity from the Electricity Distribution Grid)


    Further information

    • Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo (MZI) – Ministry of Infrastructure Direktorat za energijo – Directorate for Energy
    • +386 1 478 80 00
    • website
    • gp.mzip(at)