Slovakia: Overall Summary

Updated: 10.01.2019

Author: Boris Valach

In the Slovak Republic, electricity from renewable sources is promoted through a fixed feed-in tariff. Energy companies are obliged to purchase and pay for electricity exported to the grid. Operators of renewable energy installations (especially PV and wind) may also receive subsidies under the Operational Programme Quality of Environment. The use of renewable energy sources is further incentivised through an exemption from excise tax. 

Renewable energy plants must be given priority connection, and electricity from renewable sources must be given priority dispatch. The grid operator is obliged to extend the grid without discriminating against certain users. 

The support of heat from renewable energy sources mainly takes the form of financial support for investments. Operators of renewable energy plants may receive subsidies under the Operational Programme Quality of Environment funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

In Slovakia, the main support scheme for renewable energy sources used in transport is a quota system. This scheme obliges companies importing or producing petrol or diesel to ensure that biofuels make up a defined percentage of their annual fuel introduced to the market. Furthermore, biofuels are supported through a tax regulation mechanism. 

The development, installation and usage of RES installations in Slovakia is promoted through a professional training programme for RES installers and RES-H building obligations. Starting from 1 January 2019, public buildings must meet the criteria of a near-zero-energy building with their energy needs largely covered by renewable energy sources.

More about support schemes More about grid issues More about policies

Further information

  • Ministerstvo hospodárstva Slovenskej republiky (MH SR) – Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
  • Maroš Stano
  • +421 248 541 111
  • MHSR website
  • info(at)
  • Ministerstvo životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky (MŽP SR) – Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic
  • Stanislav Jurikovič
  • +421 259 561 111
  • MŽP website
  • info(at)
  • Slovenská organizácia pre obnoviteľné zdroje energie, n.o. – Slovak Renewable EnergyE Agency (SK REA), NPO
  • +42 1 905 744 034
  • SKREA website
  • info(at)