There are a number of specific training programmes for RES installers.
According to the NREAP there is no level for RES-H building obligations defined. However, for new building projects with a surface of more than 1000 m² Law No. 372/2005 recommends the consideration of using renewable energy sources for decentralised energy supply in the planning process.
The subsidy programme “Termoficare 2006-2015 – caldura si confort” provides support for RES-H infrastructure by encouraging investment in the district heat infrastructure on local level through co-financing from the state budget managed by the Ministry of Administration and Interior.
Policies on certification programmes for RES installations, on the exemplary role of public authorities and on R&D are not in place.
Statutory provisions
Decree No. 129/2000 (Ordonanta Guvernului nr. 129/2000 privind formarea profesionala a adultilor - Decree of the Government No. 129/2000 on vocational trainings for adults)
Decree No. 76/2004 (Ordonanta Nr. 76 din 19 august 2004 pentru modificarea si completarea Ordonantei Guvernului nr. 129/2000 privind formarea profesionala a adultilor - Decree No. 76 from 19 August 2004 on the modification and completion of Ordinance of Government No. 129/2000 on vocational trainings for adults)
Law No. 167/2013 (Legea nr. 167/2013 pentru modificarea si completarea Ordonantei Guvernului nr. 129/2000 privind formarea profesionala a adultilor - Law No. 167/2013 modifying and completing Governmental Ordinance No. 129/2000 on vocational trainings for adults)
Decision 462/2006 (Hotararea nr. 462/2006 pentru aprobarea programulu Termoficare 2006-2015 caldura si confort si infiintarea Unitatii de management al proiectului – Decision nr. 462/2006 for approving the programme “Termoficare 2006-2015 caldura si confort and the establishment of the management unit of the programme)
Decree 124/2012 (Ordin pentru aprobarea Regulamentului privind implementarea programului "Termoficare 2006-2015 caldura si confort", componenta de reabilitare a sistemului centralizat de alimentare cu energie termica - Decree on the approval of the Regulation on the implementation of the program “Termoficare 2006-2015 warmth and comfort”, regarding the component for rehabilitation of the district heating infrastructure)
Decree 252/2015 (Ordin privind alocarea unor sume pentru cofinantarea lucrariilor de investitii in vederea reabilitarii sistemelor centralizate de alimentare cu energie termica a localitatilor, conform programului “Termoficare 2006-2015 caldura si confort” – Decree regarding the allocation of sums for the co-financing of investment works for the modernization of the district heating infrastructure according to the programme “Termoficare 2006-2015 warmth and confort”)
Regulation from 05/06/2012 (Regulament privind implementarea programului "Termoficare 2006-2015 caldura si confort", componenta de reabilitare a sistemului centralizat de alimentare cu energie termica - Regulation on the implementation of the program “Termoficare 2006-2015 warmth and comfort”, regarding the component for rehabilitation of the district heating infrastructure)
Decision No. 602/2015 (Hotararea nr. 602/2015 privind modificarea si completarea Hotararii Guvernului nr. 462/2006 pentru aprobarea programului “Termoficare 2006-2015 caldura si confort” si infiintarea unitatii de managemtn als proiectului - Decision nr. 602/2015 regarding the modification and completion of the decision No. 462/2006 for approving the programme “Termoficare 2006-2015 warmth and comfort and the establishment of the management unit of the programme)
Law No. 372/2005 (Legea nr. 372/2005 privind performanta energetica a cladirilor - Law No. 372/2005 on the energy performance of buildings)
Government Ordinance No. 13/2016 (Guvernul Romaniei Ordonanta pentru modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 372/2005 privind performanta energetica a cladirilor – Government Ordinance for the modification and completion of Law No. 372/2005 regarding the energy performance of buildings)
Decision No. 462/2006 (Hotararea nr. 462/2006 pentru aprobarea programulu Termoficare 2006-2015 caldura si confort si infiintarea Unitatii de management al proiectului - Decision nr. 462/2006 for approving the programme “Termoficare 2006-2015 caldura si confort and the establishment of the management unit of the programme )