Romania: Summary

Updated: 18.01.2019

Author: Cristina Blajin

Support schemes

The main financial support scheme for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources has been organised in Romania according to a quota system. The quota support scheme has been available for new installations until 31 December 2016. Since 2017 there is no longer a comprehensive RES-E support scheme in place. The quota system is still valid for the installations commissioned before 2017 and will be in place until 2031. Under the quota system, electricity suppliers and producers are obliged to present a certain number of so-called "green certificates", which are issued for electricity from renewable sources.

While Law No 122/2015 foresees the introduction of a feed-in tariff for installations smaller than 500 kW, the methodology for the application of this mechanism has not been developed yet, as of May 2016.

While the quota system is not available anymore for new installations, these can still obtain a subsidy through the National Rural Development Programme and finantial support for energy production from biomass, biogas and geothermal energy from from a new support scheme for less exploited nergy sources.

Furthemore, starting from 1 January 2019, financing will be available for PV systems which coud cover up tp 90% of the total cost of the system

More about support schemes

Grid issues

Grid operators are obliged to connect renewable energy plants to their grids without discriminating against certain plant operators. They are also obliged to transmit electricity from renewable sources as a priority. In general, the grid operators are obliged to develop their grids on the request of a plant operator, if the connection of a plant to the grid requires the grid to be developed.

More about grid issues


The following policies aim at promoting the installation, usage and distribution of RES-installations in Romania. There are vocational trainings with limited relevance for RES-installations. Furthermore, there is a recommendation in place considering the use renewable energy sources in new buildings with a surface of more than 1000m². A subsidy programme encourages investment in the district heat infrastructure on local level and provides co-financing by the national level. Policies on certification programmes for RES installation, on the exemplary role of public authorities and on R&D are not in place. 

More about policies

Further information

  • ISPE - Institutul de Studii si Proiectari Energetice – Institute for Studies and Power Engineering
  • +4 021 210 77 25
  • ISPE website
  • office(at)
  • AFM – Administratia Fondului pentru Mediu (Administration of the Environmental Fund)
  • +4 021 319 48 49
  • AFM website
  • afm(at)