Order 32276-A/2008

Updated: 06.02.2019

Name (orig)

Despacho n.º 32276-A/2008 de 17 de Dezembro

Name (English)

Order No. 32276-A/2008 of 17 December

Entry into force


Last amended on



This Order establishes the Fund to Support Innovation (Fundo de Apoio à inovação - FAI).

Relevance for renewable energy

The FAI aims to promote research and support projects of innovation and technological development, primarily in the field of renewable energy (art. 3).


Full text of legal source

Amendments: Ordinance 13415/2010: https://dre.tretas.org/pdfs/2010/08/19/plain-278477.pdf Ordinance 5727/2013: https://dre.pt/web/guest/pesquisa/-/search/3547827/details/normal?p_p_auth=D0eHw3hn

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