Promotion in Poland


Updated: 09.01.2019

Author: Krzysztof Ignaciuk

Summary of support schemes

  • Subsidies. There are two subsidy schemes for heat from renewable energy sources. One was launched by the state development bank (Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego), and the other two by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. They support refurbishment works that, among others, may include the installation of RES technologies for heat generation. The second subsidy programme from National Fund supports the purchase and installation of solar collectors. 
  • Loan. The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management grants low interest loans to support the purchase and installation of RES installations.


In general, all technologies are eligible for support.

Statutory provisions

  • Environmental Protection Act (Prawo ochrony środowiska – environmental protection law)
  • Act on Thermal Rehabilitation (Ustawa o wspieraniu termomodernizacji i remontów - Act on Support for Thermal Rehabilitation and Refurbishment)
  • RES-Act (Ustawa o odnawialnych źródłach energii – Renewable Energy Sources Act)
  • Priority Programme RES “Stork” (Program priorytetowy. Rozproszone, odnawialne źródła energii - Priority program. Distributed, renewable energy)
  • “Prosumer” (SYSTEM, cz. 3) Prosument - Linia dofinansowania z przeznaczeniem na zakup i montaż mikroinstalacji odnawialnych źródeł energii – SYSTEM, part 3) Prosumer - Financing for purchase and installation of micro-installations of renewable energy sources) – application period closed Priority Programme 
  • Priority Programme „Efficient heating and cooling systems” (Wsparcie przedsięwzięć w zakresie niskoemisyjnej i zasobooszczędnej gospodarki, Część 3) Efektywne systemy ciepłownicze i chłodnicze – Support for low-emission and resource-efficient economy, Part 3: Efficient heating and cooling systems)


Further information