Poland: Summary
Updated: 09.01.2019
Support schemes
In Poland, electricity from renewable sources is promoted mainly through a tender system for the definition of support level of a feed-in tariff or premium. The installations launched before 1 July 2016 are allowed to choose between the tenders and remaining in the quota system. Electricity suppliers are obliged to acquire a certain number of so-called certificates of origin, which are issued to the producers of electricity from renewable sources. Furthermore, electricity from renewable sources is supported through a tax relief as well as loan and subsidy schemes from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW).
More about support schemesGrid issues
Grid operators are obliged to connect renewable energy plants to their grids without discriminating against (groups of) plant operators. Furthermore, grid operators must give electricity from renewable sources priority of transmission. Grid operators are also obliged to develop their grids in line with the general provisions of energy law. However, plant operators are not entitled to the development of the grid.
More about grid issuesPolicies
In Poland, there is only one policy programme related to renewable energy plants: The installers of RES installations may apply for a certificate to the Office of Technical Inspection.
More about policies