Promotion in Moldova
Updated: 18.01.2019
Author: Cristina Blajin
Summary of support schemes
The Government establishes a capacity limit above which a tender will be organized to select the power plants that will benefit from the feed-in-tariff support scheme. Every year, the National Energy Regulatory Authority will calculate a reference feed-in-tariff to be used as the upper limit for the biding price. Furthermore, the National Energy Regulatory Authority will calculate annually, for each technology separately, a feed-in-tariff that will be used to remunerate the producers of electricity from installations with a capacity between 10 kW and the capacity limits defined by the Government (4 MW for wind and 1 MW for PV, biomass and biogas CHPs and hydro power plants).
In order to benefit from the fixed feed-in-tariff calculated by ANRE, the plant operator must obtain the status of eligible producer according to the regulations for obtaining the status of eligible producer which shall be developed and published by ANRE in the upcoming months. For consumers that use renewable energy technology to generate electricity for self-consumption, a net-metering support scheme is in place.
All renewable energy technologies are eligible.
Statutory provisions
- Law No. 10/2016 (Lege Nr. 10 din 26.02.2016 privind promovarea utilizarii energiei din surse regenerabile - Law No. 10 of 26.02.2016 regarding the promotion of energy utilization from renewable sources)
- Law No. 35/2017 (Lege Nr. 35 din 24.03.2017 pentru modificarea articolului 45 din Legea nr. 10/2016 priving promovarea utilizarii energiei din surse regenerabile - Law No. 35 of 24.03.2017 modifying article 45 of the Law No. 10/2016 regarding the promotion of energy utilization from renewable sources)
- Law No. 185/2017 (Lege Nr. 185 din 21.09.2017 pentru modificarea si completarea unor acte legislative - Law No. 185 of 21.09.2017 for modifying and completing some legislative acts)
- Law No. 34/2018 (Lege Nr. 34 din 16.03.2018 pentru modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 10/2016 privind promovarea utilizarii energiei din surse regenerabil - Law No. 34 of 16.03.2018 modifying and completing Law No. 10/2016 regarding the promotion of energy utilization from renewable sources)
- Decision No. 375/2017 (Hotarire Nr. 375 din 28.09.2017 cu privire la aprobarea Metodologiei de determinare a tarifelor fixe si a preturilor la energia electrică produsa de producatorii eligibili din surse regenerabile de energie - Decision No. 375 of 28.09.2017 regarding the approval of the methodology for determining the fixed tariffs and prices for the electricity generated from renewable energy sources)
- Decision No. 690/2018 (Hotarire Nr. 690 din 11.07.2018 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului privind desfasurarea licitatiilor pentru oferirea statutului de producator eligibil - Decision No. 690 of 11.07.2018 on the Approval of the Regulations regarding the organisation of tenders for offering the status of eligible producer)
- Decision No. 689/2018 (Hotarire Nr. 689 din 11.07.2018 cu privire la aprobarea limitelor de capacitate, cotelor maxime si categoriilor de capacitate in domeniul energiei electrice din surse regenerabile pina in anul 2020 - Decision No. 689/2018 regarding the approval of capacity limits, maximum allowed of installed capacities and capacity categories for the electricity from renewable sources by 2020)