Net-Metering (name of means of promotion)

Updated: 18.02.2019

Author: Cristina Blajin

According to the new law on renewable energies, the final consumer has the right to inject into the grid the excess electricity produced from renewable energy sources and get it back when no electricity is produced (net-metering). All types of installations operating on renewable energy sources with a capacity below 200 kW are eligible for net-metering. However, the total installed capacity of installations that benefit from the net-metering support scheme should not exceed 5% of the maximum power registered in the previous year by the DSO to which the installations are connected. 

Eligible technologies

All plants generating up to 200 kW are eligible, regardless of the technology used. However, the total installed capacity should not exceed the installed capacity stipulated in the contract between the self-generating consumer and supplier (art. 39 par. 2 letter b) Law No. 10/2016). Moreover, the installed systems for self-generation should operate in a synchronized mode with the grid (art. 39 par. 2 letter c) Law No. 10/2016).

Wind energy


Solar energy


Geothermal energy









The balance between the injected and consumed electricity by the self-generating consumer is made on a monthly basis. If, at the end of the month, the electricity consumed from the grid is higher than the injected electricity, the plant operator should pay the supplier only the difference between the consumed and injected electricity (art. 39 par. 4 letter a) Law No. 10/2016). In the case when the balance indicates a higher amount of injected electricity than the consumed one, the differences will be transferred to the following months. If, at the end of the year, the supplier establishes that the electricity injected in the grid is more than the yearly consumed electricity, the difference will be payed to the self-generating consumer at an average market price at which the electricity is acquired by the supplier (art. 39 par. 4 letter b) Law No. 10/2016).


Entitled party. The persons entitled are the operators of plants generating up to 200 kW (art. 39 par. 1 and art. 39 par. 2 letter b) Law No. 10/2016).

Obligated party. The electricity supplier is obliged by the law to sign a contract with the plant operator (art. 39 par. 1 Law No. 10/2016).


Process flow

A given plant operator is contractually entitled to net-metering against the electricity supplier. The plant operator should fulfill technical requirements stipulated in the art. 39 par. 2 of the Law No. 10/2016. The electricity supplier will sign contracts with the plant operators on the principle “first come first served” until the limit capacity of 5% from maximum power registered in the previous year by the DSO is reached. Every year by the 30 of April, the electricity supplier will submit a report on net-metering to the National Energy Regulatory Authority (art. 39 par. 8 Law No. 10/2016)

Competent authority

Moldavian National Energy Regulatory Authority


Basic information on legal sources