Promotion in Lithuania


Updated: 19.12.2018

Author: Jurga Tallat-Kelpšaitė

Summary of support schemes

Priority purchase of heat from renewable sources. The state promotes the purchase of heat produced from renewable energy sources. Heat suppliers are obliged to purchase all heat from renewables generated by independent producers which is cheaper than the heat produced by the heat supplier himself and which satisfies environmental and quality requirements as well as standards for the security of supply. This obligation shall not apply when renewable heat generated by independent producers exceeds demand for heat by heat consumers.

Feed-in tariffs for biogas injected into the natural gas system. According to the Law on Energy from Renewable Sources, production of biogas is a Public Service Obligation (PSO). Natural gas system operators are obliged to allow the biogas producers to inject their biogas into the natural gas system. Biogas producing facilities have to be connected to the natural gas system if they meet quality, technical and other requirements. The biogas produced is purchased at the feed-in tariffs set by the National Commission for Energy Control and Prices (NCC).

Climate Change Special Programme. The Climate Change Special Programme supports projects aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including renewable energy projects. This fund provides support in the form of loans and subsidies.

Environmental Pollution Tax exemption. Natural and legal persons using biogas, solid and liquid biomass for heating purposes shall be released from environmental pollution tax liability for all stationary source emissions resulting from the use of biogas, solid and liquid biomass. In general, all renewable energy technologies used for the generation of heat are eligible for at least one support scheme.


In general, all renewable energy technologies used for the generation of heat are eligible for at least one support scheme.

Statutory provisions

  • Law on Energy from Renewable Sources (Atsinaujinančių išteklių energetikos įstatymas)
  • Law on Environmental Pollution Taxes (Mokesčio už aplinkos teršimą įstatymas)
  • Law on State Environmental Control (Aplinkos apsaugos valstybinės kontrolės įstatymas)
  • Law on Heat Sector (Šilumos ūkio įstatymas)
  • Law on Financial Instruments for Climate Change Management (Klimato kaitos valdymo finansinių instrumentų įstatymas)
  • Order No. D1-275/2010 (Klimato kaitos specialiosios programos lėšų naudojimo tvarkos aprašas -Guidelines for the Use of the Funds of the Climate Change Special Programme)
  • Second Document of Order No. D1-370/1K-230 (Mokesčio už aplinkos teršimą iš stacionarių taršos šaltinių apskaičiavimo ir mokėjimo tvarkos aprašas - Description of the Procedure of Calculation and Payment of Environmental Pollution Taxes for Stationary Sources)
  • Order No. D1-259/2014 (Taršos leidimų išdavimo, pakeitimo ir galiojimo panaikinimo taisyklės - Rules on the Issue, Amendment and Withdrawal of Pollution Permits)
  • Resolution No. O3-74/2013 (Šilumos supirkimo iš nepriklausomų šilumos gamintojų tvarkos ir salygų aprašas - Description of the Procedure and the Conditions for the Purchase of Heat from Independent Producers)
  • Resolution No. O3-437/2013 (Nepriklausomų šilumos gamintojų pripažinimo nereguliuojamais tvarkos aprašas - Description of the Procedure for the Recognition of Independent Heat Producers as Unregulated Heat Producers)
  • Resolution No. O3-96/2009 (Šilumos kainų nustatymo metodika - Heat Pricing Methodology) Resolution No. O3-396/2016 (Dėl biodujų supirkimo į gamtinių dujų sistemas tarifų nustatymo 2017 metams - Tariff rates for 2017 for the purchase of biogas into the natural gas systems)





Further information

  • Lietuvos šilumos tiekėjų asociacija (LŠTA) – Lithuanian District Heating Association (LDHA)
  • +370 5 266 7025
  • LDHA website
  • info(at)