Updated: 08.01.2019

Author: Georgios Maroulis

The Offshore Renewable Energy Plan (OREDP) aims to provide a framework for the deployment of Ireland’s offshore renewable energy resources and is based on three pillars: environmental sustainability, technical feasibility and commercial viability. According to the Strategic Environmental Impact (SEA) of OREDP, it will be possible to achieve “4,500 MW from offshore wind and 1,500 MW of wave and tidal devices without likely significant adverse effect on the environment”. 

During the period 2014-2017, SEAI spent € 15.177 million on ocean energy R&D. In general, € 34.9 million have been provided to date. However, OREDP did not receive € 30 million, as it has initially requested. This budget supports R&D projects in tidal energy:

Test sites - Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site and Galway and Cork Test Sites. Sustainable Energy Authority for Ireland (SEAI) with the Marine Institute established in 2006 an Ocean Energy Test site with quarter scale floating wave energy devices. Data concerning the development of wave energy in Ireland are analysed and the further potential for wave energy deployment is examined. 

The Prototype Development Fund, also established in 2006, aims to stimulate industry led RD&D on the field of wave and tidal energy. Currently, the fund supports projects focusing on pre-commercial small array testing and evaluation. Further actions such as the development of an Integrated Maritime Energy Resource Cluster are also foreseen. Currently, there are 3 ocean energy sites in Ireland:

  • Lir National Ocean Test Facility in Cork;
  • Galway Bay Sub Sea Cable Observatory in Galway;
  • Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site in Mayo.

The Fund opens calls for public and private sector based in Ireland or carrying out projects in Ireland. The current call is open for new applications.

Furthermore, the Department of Communications, Climate Change and the Environment (DCCAE) published the Interim Review of the OREDP in May 2018. 


Universities, research institutes, private companies

Competent authority

Department of Communications, Climate Change and Environment (DCCAE)

Further information


Further information

  • Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (DCENR)
  • +353 167 82 000
  • DCENR website

Basic information on legal sources