Certification Programmes for RES installations

Updated: 08.01.2019

Author: Georgios Maroulis

S.I. 151/2011 provides that public bodies shall only procure equipment and vehicles that are either listed on the Triple E Products Register (Register) or satisfy the SEAI's energy efficiency criteria. The Triple E Products Register has minimum criteria that need to be met by products in order to list them in this public database. For example, solar thermal installations must be certified under the European Solar Keymark database as an installation in order to be accepted in the Register.

In addition, The NSAI Agrément is responsible for the certification of new and innovative products and processes in buildings. The certification applies to products and processes that are not already regulated by existing building standards. 


Manufacturers of energy plants.

Competent authority

The Triple E Products Register is maintained by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

The NSAI Agrément operates as part of the NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland).

Further information

The NSAI stands for National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI). Further information on the NSAI Agrément is available at: https://www.nsai.ie/certification/agrement-certification/.

In March 2014, NSAI published the “Code of Practice for the Energy Efficient Retrofit of Dwellings” (S.R. 54:2014), available at: http://www.ili.co.uk/en/S.R.54-2014.pdf

Distribution of costs

Plant manufacturers

Manufacturers bear the certification costs.


Further information

Basic information on legal sources