Ireland: Overall Summary

In Ireland, electricity from renewable sources was mainly promoted through a feed-in-tariff scheme (REFIT) until 31 December 2015. Currently there is one support scheme i.e. subsidy for the purchase and installation of PV and battery storage, while another new support scheme i.e tender is expected to take place in 2019. Renewable energy sources for heating purposes are promoted through subsidies and a tax return, while an operational support is foreseen specific technologies. The incentive for renewable energy use in transport is a quota system.

Access of electricity from renewable sources to the grid shall be granted according to the principle of non-discrimination and renewable energy plants are connected under the so-called Group Processing Approach (GPA). Currently, there are transitional arrangements for access to the grid, while there is a new grid connection process (Enduring Connection Policy -ECP-1) for new plant operators.  Regarding the use of the grid, operators are obliged to provide an offer for use to every operator of an (renewable) energy plant. Grid operators are generally obliged to develop the grid system. However, individual plant operators do not have the right to demand grid expansion.  

There are also policies in place that promote the installation and use of RES, mainly at the domestic sector, while there are RD&D Programmes that aim to promote the deployment of RES technologies.


Further information

  • Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (DCENR)
  • +353 167 82 000
  • DCENR website
  • Revenue Commissioners (Revenue): Irish Tax and Customs
  • +353 1 702 3011
  • Revenue website