Ministerial Decree No. 62/2016. (XII. 28.)

Updated: 07.01.2019

Name (orig)

62/2016. (XII. 28) NFM rendelet a megújuló energiaforrásból származó villamos energia ter-melési támogatás korlátairól és a prémium típusú támogatásra irányuló pályázati eljárásról

Name (English)

Decree of the Ministry of Nation-al Development No. 62/2016. (XII. 28) on restrictions for the support of renewable electricity and on criteria for tendering procedures for the premium tariff

Entry into force


Last amended on



Introduces definitions and estab-lishes conditions for bidding procedures targeting renewable energy plants with a higher ca-pacity than 1 MW

Relevance for renewable energy

Tendering procedures should incentivise investments into renewable energy plants and contribute a higher share of renewables in Hungary’s electric-ity mix. The decree inter alia defines the responsible authority for publishing tenders, the com-position of the assessment com-mittee and the assessment of the participating projects as well as the limitation of support ob-tained through tenders.


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