Grid development

Updated: 07.02.2019

Author: Helena Vidalic

Plant operators may be contractually entitled to the expansion of the grid if the connection of a plant to the grid requires the grid to be expanded. The connection agreement ("convention de raccordement") shall include provisions on the expansion of the grid. The agreement is based on an offer for the costs and the technical implementation (proposition technique et financière, PTF). The grid operator is generally obligated to expand the grid in order to ensure the public electricity service ("service public de l'électricité") (art. 18 Loi n°2000-108).

Entitled party: The agreement may entitle a plant operator to the expansion of the grid. 

Obligated party: The obligated party is the grid operator. The companies deemed to be "grid operators" are Electricité de France (EDF) and all non-nationalised distribution grid operators (art.10 Loi n°2000-108). Loi n°2000-108 only refers to distribution grid operators ("distributeur") even though EDF is a supplier rather than a distribution grid operator.


Process flow

A claim for the expansion of the grid will arise on the date of the conclusion of the agreement, unless access to the grid can be granted without expanding the grid. 


Limitations and deadlines regarding a possible expansion of the grid depend on the agreement. 

Distribution of costs


The costs of a regular grid expansion are partly covered by the charges for the use of the grid, which the grid operator charges to all grid users including the final consumers (art. 5 Loi n° 2000-108, art. L 341-2, Code de l’Énergie).

Plant operator

The costs arising from the expansion of the grid, which may become necessary in order to connect a plant to the grid, are borne by the plant operator (art.18 Loi n°2000-108).

Grid studies

The expansion of the grid is not explicitly regulated by law. However, the Act on France's Commitment to Protect the Environment, also called "Grenelle 2", obliges the regions to develop extensive plans to reinforce the grid (“schéma régional de raccordement au réseau des énergies renouvelables”). The plans shall be evaluated and – where necessary – revised after six years (art. L-222-1 and L-222-2 Code de l’Environnement ; L321-7, code de l’énergie).


Further information

  • Gestionnaire du Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (RTE) – transmission grid operator
  • +33 1 79 24 80 00
  • RTE website
  • Electricité Réseau Distribution France (ERDF) – distribution grid operator
  • +33 1 56 65 11 11
  • ERDF website

Basic information on legal sources