Promotion in Finland


Updated: 07.01.2019

Author: Karl Wikberg

Summary of support schemes

  • Biofuels quota. The main scheme used to support renewable energies in the transport sector is a quota obligation. This mechanism obliges companies selling petrol or diesel fuels to ensure that biofuels compose a defined percentage of the company’s total annual sale of fuel. 
  • Tax Regulation mechanism. In Finland, the taxation of liquid fuels is carried out as taxation of separate fuel components based on their energy content and carbon dioxide emission, meaning reduced taxation for biofuels. 


The biofuels quota and the tax regulation mechanism apply to biofuels only. 

Statutory provisions

  • Act No. 446/2007 (Laki biopolttoaineiden käytön edistämisestä liikenteessä – The Act on the Promotion of the Use of Biofuels in Transport)
  • Act No. 1472/1994 (Laki nestemäisten polttoaineiden valmisteverosta – Act on Excise Duty on Liquid Fuels) 
  • Act No. 182/2010 (Valmisteverotuslaki – Excise Tax Act) 
  • Act No. 393/2013 (Laki biopolttoaineista ja bionesteistä – Act on Biofuels and Bioliquids)


Further information