Promotion in Finland


Updated: 07.01.2019

Author: Karl Wikberg

Summary of support schemes

  • Subsidies. The state of Finland provides subsidies for investment and research projects in the field of sustainable energy generation.
  • Premium tariff. The producers of electricity from wind, biomass and biogas sell their electricity in the market and receive a variable bonus, which is paid on top of the market price and is equal to the difference between a target price and the market price.
  • Tenders. The tender based premium scheme is a support scheme to promote cost effective development of renewable energy in Finland. The scheme is technology neutral for new producers of electricity from wind, solar, biogas, biomass wood fuels and wave power. The tenders up for offer are 1.4 TWh annually.


In general, Finland promotes all renewable energy generation technologies.

Statutory provisions

  •  Act No. 1396/2010 (Laki uusiutuvilla energialähteillä tuotetun sähkön tuotantotuesta 30.12.2010/1396 – Act on Production Subsidy for Electricity Produced from Renewable Energy Sources) 
  • Government Decree No. 1397/2010 (Valtioneuvoston asetus uusiutuvilla energialähteillä tuotetun sähkön tuotantotuesta 30.12.2010/1397 – Regulation on Production Subsidy for Electricity Produced from Renewable Energy Sources) 
  • Decree No. 1063/2012 (Valtioneuvoston asetus energiatuen myöntämisen yleisista ehdoista 27.12.2012/1063 – Regulation on the Allocation of Subsidies) 
  • Act No. 688/2001 (Valtionavustuslaki 27.7.2001/688 – Act on the Allocation of Subsidies) 
  • Decree No. 145/2016 (Government Decree No. 145/2016 on Granting Investment Aid for Renewable Energy and New Energy Technologies - Valtioneuvoston asetus uusiutuvan energian ja uuden energiateknologian investointituen myöntämisen yleisistä ehdoista 25.02.2016/145)


Further information

  • Fingrid – transmission system operator
  • +358 303 955 000
  • Fingrid website