Grid issues in Estonia


Updated: 17.01.2019

Author: Lilian Pungas

Summary of grid issues

Connection to the grid

When connecting to the grid, heat produced from RES and CHP plants is not given priority access. The offer for connection is made by the grid operator to the most cost-efficient offer. Local authorities determine the conditions and procedure for the connection to the grid. 

Use of the grid

The grid operator has to guarantee the measuring of heat entering the network. The heat producer has to coordinate the heat price with the Competition Authority separately for each heating district. In addition to the heat from the district heating network, the consumer is entitled to buy heat produced from RES from the producer.

Grid development

Local authorities determine the heat producers’ development requirements and grid expansion obligations. 

Statutory provisions

  •  District Heating Act (Kaugkütteseadus RT I 2003, 25, 154 – District Heating Act) 
  • Bidding Rules for Heat Producers (Soojuse ostmiseks konkursi korraldamise kord ja pakkumiste hindamise metoodika RT I, 01.07.2011, 12 - Rules for the Organisation of the Bidding and Evaluation of Offers from Heat Producers)


Further information

  • Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (MKM) – Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
  • Siim Meeliste
  • +372 625 63 42
  • MKM website
  • info(at)
  • Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus (KIK) – Environmental Investment Centre
  • + 372 627 4125
  • KIK website