Estonia: Summary
Updated: 17.01.2019
Support schemes
In Estonia, there wasn't until quite recently any generally applicable support scheme to promote the use of renewable energy sources in the transport sector. Only at the end of 2015, a support scheme for the promotion of biomethane use in the transport sector was introduced.
In December 2016 the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications proposed amendments to the Liquid Fuel Act, which foresees the introduction of a blending mandate. According to the proposed amendments, the share of biocomponents in petrol and diesel fuel should have been at least 3.3% by May 2017 and gradually have risen to at least 10% by 2020. However, in March 2017 the Parliament decided to postpone the new regulation by one year.
The blending mandate finally came into effect on the 1st of May 2018. The new amendment of Liquid Fuel Act stipulates at least 3,1 % of biofuel through the blending mandate (§2.1 par. 1 of Liquid Fuel Act). The goal of 10% by 2020 will stay in place.
In addition, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (MKM), the aim is to prolong the support scheme from the currently valid eligibility period 2021 until 2023.
According to MKM, the support schemes for the RES in the transport sector will soon be expanded through the “National Development Plan of the Energy Sector until 2030” (NDPES 2030). However, the specific implementation and regulations in regard to further RES-T support schemes are yet to be decided.
More about support schemes