Promotion in Czech Republic
Updated: 10.01.2019
Author: Boris Valach
Summary of support schemes
- Tax regulation mechanism. In the Czech Republic, biofuels as well as the biofuel content of mixed fuels are exempt from consumption tax.
- Biofuels quota. In the Czech Republic, there is an obligatory biofuel share for petrol and diesel fuel introduced on the Czech market.
The tax regulation mechanism and the biofuels quota apply to biofuels only.
Statutory provisions
- Act No. 201/2012 (Zákon č. 201/2012 Sb. o ochraně ovzduší – Air Protection Act)
- Decree No. 133/2010 (Vyhláška č. 133/2010 Sb. o jakosti a evidenci pohonných hmot – Decree on the Quality and the Registering of Fuels)
- Act No. 353/2003 (Zákon č. 353/2003 Sb. o spotřebních daních – Act on Consumption Taxes)