Grid issues in Czech Republic


Updated: 10.01.2019

Author: Boris Valach

Summary of grid issues

Connection to the grid

Plant operators are entitled against the grid operator to priority connection of a renewable energy plant to the grid. The grid operator is obliged to enter into connection agreements.

Use of the grid

Plant operators are entitled against the grid operator to non-discriminatory use of the grid for the transmission or distribution of electricity from renewable sources. The grid operator is obliged to enter into transmission agreements.

Grid development

Plant operators are entitled against the grid operator to the expansion of the grid, if the expansion is necessary to satisfy the terms of a connection agreement. The grid operator is obliged to expand the grid without discriminating against certain plant operators.

Statutory provisions

  • Energy Act (Zákon č. 458/2000 Sb. o podmínkách podnikání a o výkonu státní správy v energetických odvětvích – Energy Act)
  • Act No. 165/2012 (Zákon č. 165/2012 Sb. o podporovaných zdrojích energie – Act on Promoted Energy Sources)
  • Decree No. 79/2010 (Vyhláška č. 79/2010 Sb. o dispečerském řízení elektrizační soustavy a o předávání údajů pro dispečerské řízení – Decree on Energy Management)
  • Decree No. 80/2010 (Vyhláška č. 80/2010 Sb. o stavu nouze v elektroenergetice – Decree on Energy Emergencies)

Czech Republic

Further information

  • Státní fond životního prostředí České republiky (ŠFŽP ČR) - State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic
  • +420 267 994 300
  • SFZP website
  • dotazy(at)