Use of the grid

Updated: 07.02.2019

Author: Stefan Ćetković

The use of the grid is governed by the general legislation on energy and in the RES Act. RES-E plant operators have the right to use the grid in accordance with the provisions governing its use – namely the Energy Act, the Grid Code and the General Electricity Supply Conditions. The transmission and distribution system operators are required to give priority dispatch to electricity produced from renewable energy sources (Art. 19 § 2 RES Act).

The central agreement governing the grid use procedure is the agreement on grid use signed between the grid operator and the plant operator. Transmission services are paid for by network users through the charge for transmission network use (Art. 27 no. 3 and 4 as well as Art. 33 and 44 General Electricity Supply Conditions).

The new RES Act envisages that the Croatian Energy Market Operator (HROTE) is responsible for balancing electricity from all existing renewable energy producers. Renewable energy producers of more than 500 kW are paying the fee in the case of caused imbalances. However, before the necessary rules on organising electricity market related to balancing groups are adopted, the existing Rules on Balancing the Electric System apply.


Process flow

In order to use the grid, plant operators are required to sign a contract with the grid operator (Art. 27 no. 3 and Art. 44 General Electricity Supply Conditions). This is done according to a specific grid connection procedure.

Competent authority

Grid Operator (HEP – OPS)


While providing grid infrastructure, the grid operator is obliged to ensure the quality of the voltage within the agreed parameters (Art. 53 General Electricity Supply Conditions). If a grid user requests a reassessment of the voltage quality, the grid operator is obliged to make the required assessment within 20 days and then, within another 10 days, answer the request (Art. 56 General Electricity Supply Conditions). 

Obligation to inform

The grid operator is obliged to inform the plant operators about any changes in the voltage of the (high or medium-voltage) grid (Art. 64 General Electricity Supply Conditions). 

The grid operator is also obliged to inform the grid users about any changes to the measuring devices (Art. 81 § 3 General Electricity Supply Conditions).

If the grid is disconnected for more than 3 minutes, the grid operator has an obligation to inform the users prior to that event (e.g. maintenance works etc.) (Art. 109 and 112 General Electricity Supply Conditions).

Priority to renewable energy

  • Priority to renewable energy
  • Non-discrimination

Non-discriminatory and transparent use of and access to the transmission and distribution system is guaranteed to all registered grid users (Art. 29, No. 8 and Art. 40, No. 9 Electricity Market Act).


Curtailment rules are governed by a special legislative act, the Rules on Balancing the Electric System. These rules govern, who the balancing party is, when curtailment may be applied, the balancing period etc. (Art. 2 and 8 Rules on Balancing the Electric System). 

Prior to connection and actual use, both parties – grid operator and plant operator – settle an agreement on cases of electrical imbalances. This agreement then includes general terms, payment terms and the procedure of rebalancing the system. The grid operator is obliged to assess potential imbalances in advance and is also obliged to ensure grid stability in cases of shortages or surpluses (Art. 9, 10 and 11 Rules on Balancing the Electric System).

The plant operators are entitled to a financial compensation (Art. 10 Rules on Balancing the Electric System). 

RES-E plants are guaranteed a priority dispatch by the transmission and distribution system operators, if the technical conditions allow and there is no danger of overloading the system (Art. 19 § 2 RES Act).

Distribution of costs


The consumers pay the charges, which are used to finance the grid (Art. 31 General Electricity Supply Conditions).

Plant operator

Any extraordinary costs that may arise are borne by RES-E plant operators. These costs are based on a price list (Art. 61 General Electricity Supply Conditions).


Further information

  • Hrvatska Elektroprivreda Operator Prijenosnog Sustava (HOPS) – Croatian Transmission System Operator
  • +385 1 45 45 111
  • HOPS website
  • kontakt(at)