Promotion in Bulgaria


Updated: 23.01.2019

Author: Ivana Naydenova

Summary of support schemes

  • Feed-in tariff. The Act on Renewable Energy Sources (ERSA) is the statutory basis for the feed-in tariff, which is the main element of the Bulgarian support system. The ERSA also establishes an obligation to purchase and dispatch electricity from renewable sources. As of 1 July 2018, the statutory obligation of NEK and the other off-takers to purchase the energy output of RES Producers under FiTs is terminated. RES Producers, which enjoyed PPAs and FiT are offered to execute Premium contracts with the ESSF by 1 July 2018.
  • Premium tariff. RES-E producers with a total installed capacity of at least 4 MW are obliged to sell their electricity on the exchange. The electricity trade takes place only on an organized stock market, except when a producer supplies its own electricity branches, businesses and sites or supplies an object of a client through a direct distribution line. The producers may also sell their electricity through a coordinator of a balancing group.


  • Feed-in tariff is applicable to new roof top or facade photovoltaic installations with a maximum installed capacity of 30 KW and to certain installations using combined cycle and indirect use of biomass. 
  • Premium tariff is applicable to installations with a capacity of at least 4 MW.

Statutory provisions

  • ERSA (Закон за енергията от възобновяеми източници – Act on Renewable Energy Sources)
  • Energy Act (Закон за енергетиката)
  • VE (Наредба за регулиране на цените на електрическата енергия– Ordinance on the Pricing of Electric Power)
  • Decision No. C-9 of 01.07.2018 (Решение № Ц-9 на Kомисията за енергийно и водно регулиране от 01.07.2018 - Decision No. C-9 of the national regulatory authority EWRC of 01.07.2018)


Further information

  • Комисия за енергийно и водно регулиране (КЕВР) – Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC)
  • +359 2 9359 733
  • EWRC website
  • dker(at)
  • Германо-Българска индустриално-търговска камара (ГБИТК) - German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK)
  • +359 2 81630 21
  • AHK website