Grid issues in Bulgaria


Updated: 23.01.2019

Author: Ivana Naydenova

Summary of grid issues

Connection to the grid

Plant operators are contractually entitled against the grid operator to the connection of a renewable energy plant to the grid (art. 116 par. 1 Energy Act). The right to priority connection was abolished by the latest amendment to the ERSA.

Use of the grid

Plant operators are contractually entitled against the grid operator to the purchase of their electricity (art. 18 par. 1 ERSA).

Grid development

Plant operators are statutorily entitled against the grid operator to the expansion and development of the grid to enable the connection of a renewable energy plant to the grid (art. 116 par. 1, 3 Energy Act).

Statutory provisions

  • ERSA (Закон за енергията от възобновяеми източници – Energy from Renewable Sources Act) 
  • Energy Act (Закон за енергетиката)


Further information

  • Комисия за енергийно и водно регулиране (КЕВР) – Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC)
  • +359 2 9359 733
  • EWRC website
  • dker(at)
  • Германо-Българска индустриално-търговска камара (ГБИТК) - German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK)
  • +359 2 81630 21
  • AHK website