Policy in Belgium


Updated: 08.02.2019

Author: Stijn Anciaux

Summary of policies

      • Concerning training programmes for installers, the three regions have created an association serving as a single certifying body in Belgium called “RESCert”.
      • As far as the certification programmes for RES installations are concerned, no national certification programme for RES installations is in place so far.
      • The Belgian Federal Government ensures the exemplary role of public authorities with the creation of Fedesco, a public energy service company in charge of achieving and financing energy saving projects in public federal buildings as third-party investor.
      • Indirect fiscal subsidies exist for the research and development sector in the form of a partial exemption of 80% of the business tax for organisations active in the field of research and development.


          • • The training centre of the Brussels capital region currently does not offer training programmes for installers of renewable energy devices. However, Walloon and Flemish training centres provide training programmes for installers of heat pumps and photovoltaic installations, which are acknowledged by the Brussels-Capital region.
          • As far as the exemplary role of public authorities is concerned, the National Renewable Energy Action Plan foresees a share of 30 % of green energy in the total energy consumption of new public buildings for the Brussels-Capital region by 2025.


              • Certification of installers:  a voluntary training and certification program is set-up for installers. 
              • Exemplary role of public authorities: An action plan is in place to promote the exemplary role.
              • Research and Development: An Energy Technology Innovation Platform (MIP) has been founded with funding programs for research on renewable energy technologies.
              • RES-H building obligations: For schools and public office buildings RES-H obligations apply since 1 January 2013.


                  • In general, there are two types of training programmes for installers of RES-installations: The certification scheme “Qualiwall” allows installers of renewable energy systems as well as professionals of the energy efficiency sector to be certified by the Walloon region. Moreover, the quality label “NRQual” certifies installers of renewable energy devices. 
                  • There are two types of Research, Development and Demonstration Programmes. The Walloon region provides financial support to companies (Avance récupérable en R&D) as well as to universities and research institutes (Aides à la recherche en énergie) willing to develop R&D projects.
                  • As far as the RES-H building obligation is concerned, the Energy Performance for Buildings legislation obliges certain new buildings as well as existing buildings with a floor area greater than 1000 m² to install thermal solar collectors or any other installation allowing an energy saving at least equivalent to thermal solar collectors.

                  Statutory provisions

                      • 17 juin 2013 - Loi portant des dispositions fiscales et financières et des dispositions relatives au développement durable - Law on fiscal and financial regulations and regulations concerning sustainable development


                          • Arrêté du 3 juin 2010 (Arrêté du 3 juin 2010 du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale relatif aux exigences PEB applicables aux systèmes de chauffage pour le bâtiment / Besluit van 3 juni 2010 van de Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Regering betreffende de voor de verwarmingssystemen van gebouwen geldende EPB-eisen bij hun installatie en tijdens hun uitbatingperiode - Decree of 3 June 2010 of the Government of the Brussels-Capital region regarding the requirements of the energy performance of buildings (EPB) for heating plants)
                          • Ordonnance du 2 Mai 2013 (Ordonnance du 2 Mai 2013 portant le Code bruxellois de l'Air, du Climat et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie / Ordonnantie van 2 mei 2013 houdende het Brussels Wetboek van Lucht, Klimaat en Energiebeheersing - Ordinance of 2 May 2013 on the Brussels Air, Climate and Energy Code)


                              • Energy Decree (Decreet houdende algemene bepalingen betreffende het energiebeleid - Decree Establishing General Conditions for Energy Policy – Energy Law of 8 May 2009)
                              • Energy Regulation (Besluit van de Vlaamse Regering houdende algemene bepalingen over het energiebeleid - Regulation of the Flemish Government on General Conditions for Energy Policy – Energy Regulation of 19 November 2010)


                                  • Arrêté du 21 Octobre 2010 (Arrêté du 21 Octobre 2010 du Gouvernement wallon visant à octroyer une prime pour l’installation d’un chauffe-eau solaire - Decree of the Walloon Government aiming at allocating a subsidy for the installation of solar water heaters)
                                  • Arrêté du 18 juin 2009 (Arrêté du 18 juin 2009 du Gouvernement wallon relatif aux actes et travaux visés à l’article 84, §2, alinéa 2, du CWATUPE, à la composition des demandes de permis d’urbanisme et à la procédure applicable en matière de performance énergétique des bâtiments - Decree of 18 June 2009 of the Walloon Government regarding the construction permits and the procedure applicable for the energy performance of buildings as regulated in the CWAPE).
                                  • Décret du 28 novembre 2013 (Décret du 28 novembre 2013 relatif à la performance énergétique des bâtiments - Decree of 28 November 2013 regarding the energy performance of buildings)
                                  • Décret du 30 juillet 2008 (Décret du 30 juillet 2008 relatif au soutien de la recherche, du développement et de l’innovation en Wallonie - Decree of 30 July 2008 regarding the support of research, development and innovation in the Walloon region)
                                  • Arrêté du 27 juin 2013 (Arrêté du Gouvernement wallon du 27 juin 2013 mettant en place un système de certification des installateurs de systèmes de production d’énergie à partir de sources renouvelables et des professionnels des travaux liés à l’efficacité énergétique - Decree of the Walloon Government implementing a certification scheme for installers of renewable energy systems and professionals of the energy efficiency sector)


                                  Further information

                                  • Ministre du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, chargée du Logement, de la Qualité de Vie, de l’Environnement et de l'Energie - Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital region, responsible for Housing, Quality of Life, Environm
                                  • Céline Fremault
                                  • +32 25 08 79 11
                                  • website
                                  • http://be.brussels/brussels
                                  • Ministère de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Administration de l'Economie et de l'Emploi (AEE) – Economy and Employment Administration of the Brussels-Capital region
                                  • +32 28 00 34 52
                                  • AEE website
                                  • info.eco(at)mrbc.irisnet.be
                                  • Bruxelles environnement IBGE : Administration de l'environnement et de l'énergie de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale - Environment and Energy administration of the Brussels Capital region
                                  • +32 27 75 75 75
                                  • IBGE website
                                  • info(at)ibgebim.be
                                  • Vlaamse Regulator van de Elektriciteits- en Gasmarkt (VREG) – Flemish Electricity and Gas
                                  • +32 2 55 313 79
                                  • VREG website
                                  • info(at)vreg.be
                                  • Vlaamse Energieagentschap (VEA) – Flemish Energy Agency
                                  • +32 2 553 1700
                                  • VEA website
                                  • Service public de Wallonie - Direction générale opérationnelle de l'Economie, de l'Emploi & de la Recherche (DGO6) - Public Service of the Walloon region – Directorate General for Economy, Employment and Research (DGO6)
                                  • +32 81 33 40 79
                                  • DGO6 website
                                  • Commission Wallonne pour l'Energie (CWaPE) - Walloon Energy Commission
                                  • CWaPE website
                                  • + 32 81 33 08 10