Flanders: Exemplary role of public authorities
Updated: 08.02.2019
In 2006, the Flemish Government has already agreed upon an action plan. This action plan 2006-2010 stresses the exemplary role of public authorities. The action plan ‘Energiezorg in de Vlaamse overheidsgebouwen’ includes the commitment to introduce energy book keeping, awareness raising among public officials and energy audits in public buildings. Moreover, the construction of 25 new school buildings with passive house standard is planned. The action plan ‘Bijna-energieneutrale gebouwen in Vlaanderen’ published in 2012 focuses on innovation, quality, communication, finance and energy for energy neutral buildings in cooperation with stakeholders. Further, Article 11.1.1 (2) of the Energy Decree requires new governmental buildings build after 31 December 2018 and owned by the government to be “almost energy neutral buildings” (bijna-energieneutraal).